Emmi Korhonen Portfolio

Digital Art

An illustration of an alien desert planet with sand dunes and a tall ruined ancient tower rising in the distance.
An illustration of an alien planet with floating inhabitated metropolises.
Six greyscale sketches of environment concepts for an alien planet.
Six coloured versions of two alien planet concept art.
Illustration of a humanoid-like black cat character wearing a big wizard-like hat and a cape, holding a lantern with a small firefly friend flying above them.
Three clothing designs on an original character, one for everyday wear, for a bath house and a traditional sari.
Character portrait of a young wizard's apprentice with red, medium long fluffy hair and freckles in a cartoony style.
Three colour schemes for a young wizard's apprentice character.
Three character design sketches for an elven warrior in a cartoony style, all featuring a different version of him wearing an elven armor.